What the Salvation Army really believes about abortion

Many people on Guam step forward at this time of year to help the Salvation Army collect donations, ostensibly for the organization's work here on Guam.  Did you know, though, that the church (yes, it's actually a church!) condones abortion?

Here's an official statement of their beliefs on the matter:

The Salvation Army believes that termination can occur only when
  • Carrying the pregnancy further seriously threatens the life of the mother; or
  • Reliable diagnostic procedures have identified a foetal abnormality considered incompatible with survival for more than a very brief post natal period.

In addition, rape and incest are brutal acts of dominance violating women physically and emotionally. This situation represents a special case for the consideration of termination as the violation may be compounded by the continuation of the pregnancy.

You can read it for yourself on the official Salvation Army website:

Rape incest, and/or fetal abnormalities, in their view, would strip the unborn baby of their right to life, even if short.  Not quite what we would expect from an organization that purports to "share God's love", "meet the greatest need", and "meet human need wherever, whenever, and however we can".


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