Rally for Life, Sunday, January 28, 2018

Date: Sunday, Jan. 28, 2018
Time: 1:30 PM

Place: Paseo Stadium in Hagatna. 

  • 1:30-2:45pm - RALLY!
  • 2:45pm - March to Legislative Bldg.; Closing

Bring: Protection from the Sun, water and umbrella

Inspiring Speakers!
Local Entertainers!

The right to life of every human being is not only a universal and civil right, but is the foundation on which all other rights rely; that right to life is a gift which is given us by and comes from the only source of this gift -- Our Creator and God.

Unfortunately, the helpless and vulnerable unborn babies at risk of being aborted are robbed of this gift of life while still in the womb!

At the 2018 Rally For Life, you will hear inspiring and motivating speakers; you will learn about a potential legislative bill which -- with your support -- can make abortion illegal on unborn babies in their 20th week of gestation. Why at 20 weeks? At this period of a baby’s development the baby in the womb can now feel the pain of being dismembered.

Our united support is pivotal to bringing down the abortion statistics on Guam -- which recorded no less than 289 tiny, helpless unborn babies aborted in 2016 -- that’s 26 more babies than were aborted in 2015!


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