We need to quit the Gang of Seven.
The United States is one of only seven countries worldwide that permits procured abortions past 20 weeks gestational age. The others include North Korea, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Netherlands, and Canada! That's quite a Gang of Seven.
Angelina Baglini, of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, reports:
The United States is within the top 4% of most permissive abortion policies in the world (7 out of 198) when analyzing restrictions on elective abortion based on duration of pregnancy.If we cannot outlaw abortion right now, we certainly need to quit the Gang of Seven.
Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms, by Angelina Baglini, J.D., Charlotte Lozier Institute, https://lozierinstitute.org/internationalabortionnorms/, Retrieved March 4, 2018.
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