2022 Promoting the Culture of Life Conference Resources

Underneath each heading you will find complementary resources that were either provided by the presenter or by the Conference Team.  Answers to questions that were asked during or after the presentations are also included.

“Surgical & Chemical Abortion & Their Effects on Women”

Dr. Vincent Dueñas, MD

  1. Abortion Statistics (from presentation)
  2. Dr. Anthony Levatino: Abortion Procedures (video)
  3. Dr. Anthony Levatino describes his conversion to a Pro-Life perspective
  4. Debunking 10 Common Myths About Abortion
  5. "Does Legalizing Abortion Stop Filthy, Back-Alley Abortions?"
  6. Guam Abortion Statistics
  7. The Problem on Guam - some easy to read charts for 2016
  8. What do the Sacred Scriptures say?

Pending Questions

  1. How many times I’ve heard women committed multiple abortions – does this affect their body to have a normal birth in the future? Abortion does involve risks, including risks to fertility and to future pregnancies. See https://afterabortion.org/new-research-links-abortion-and-pregnancy-complications/ for more information.
  2. Are they taught what the baby in the womb feels? The teaching of medical schools on this topic varies, but the Charlotte Lozier Institute has published a fact sheet on the topic of fetal pain here.
  3. Are future doctors taught how to help a woman with other options than choosing abortion? Most doctors who perform abortions are trained to be Obstetricians and Gynocologists, so they are able to deliver babies in a healthy fashion.

“Legislation That Affects Abortion Practice in Guam”

Basil O’Mallan, Esq.

  1. The Law on Guam - the status of Guam law with respect to abortion as of 2017
  2. First Things: There is no middle way in Dobbs

Pending Questions

  1. If abortion is banned in general with all the risks it has towards the mother as well as the fetus, do you think the numbers of death or trips to the er be higher because of attempted abortions mothers would have to do, which has more risks, due to the ban? No, the number of deaths from illegal abortions would be quite low and always have been. The Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, reports that deaths from illegal abortions declined from 39 in 1972 to 5 in 1974 after abortion was made legal. These are very low numbers. See https://www.guttmacher.org/perspectives50/abortion-and-after-legalization  We have no reason to believe that we'll see higher numbers nationally now.
  2. What are the current statistics of the different groups (age, marital status, socio-economic status) that are having abortions on Guam? See Guam Abortion Statistics
  3. How and where does the HeartBeat Bill fit into the landscape of the law passed in 1990? The law passed in 1990 outlaws abortion entirely, while the Heartbeat bill enjoins abortion after the presence of a fetal heartbeat is detected.
  4. What are the precise words you would use to ask a candidate’s position?  "Do you support legal abortion on demand? (Yes or No)."
  5. Why is Bill 291-36 considered a civil matter and not a criminal case? Bill 291-36 puts the responsibility for enforcement into the hands of citizens and not the government. This allows the bill to escape court injunctions.
  6. Can we just advocate in front of the Church without getting permission from any priest? Generally one should ask the permission of the pastor before advocating on Church property.
  7. For those of us who don’t attend pocket meetings, or follow the candidates, does prolife publish names of candidates who are for or against abortion? The Esperansa Project often publishes the names of candidates who are for or against abortion.
  8. What is the point of “restrictive” abortion laws if we have no abortion doctor on Guam? Restrictive abortion laws serve as a proven disincentive for abortion doctors to set up practice on Guam.

“Post Abortion Trauma & Healing”

Tricia Lizama, PhD, LCSW

  1. Video of presentation
  2. Rachel's Vineyard - retreats for healing after an abortion.
  3. A List of Major Psychological Effects of Abortion
  4. Emotional distress following induced abortion
  5. Elliot Institute's AfterAbortion.org
  6. Forbidden Grief
  7. Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995–2009
  8. Portraits of Coercion

Pending Questions

  1. Given that Guam is a small island, will the counseling include zoom? Woman may be reluctant to go to a building. Several counselors on Guam use Zoom.
  2. Does Guam have the Rape Shield Act? Yes, see 6 GCA 8207.

“Evangelium Vitae” (Gospel of Life)

Msgr. Ruben Espeno

  1. Evangelium Vitae Powerpoint (PDF)
  2. Evangelium Vitae (Encyclical, St. Pope John Paul II, 1995)
  3. Humanae Vitae (Encyclical, St. Pope Paul VI, 1968)

Pending Questions

  1. Is there a curriculum in Catholic schools at all age levels, discussing pro-life or abortion? Even in CCD? (in line with Evangelium Vitae). Current Catholic School curriculum includes pro-life topics, but the curriculum can and will be strengthened.

Other Resources

  1. The Esperansa Project
  2. Human Life International
  3. Americans United for Life
  4. Priests for Life
  5. Pro-Life Action League
  6. The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
  7. The Silent Scream
  8. Priests for Life
  9. Silent No More - reaching out to people hurt by abortion.
  10. Abortion Counter -Real-time abortion counters based on the most current statistics for the number of abortions in the US and Worldwide
  11. Abortion Policies – A Global Review -United Nations Report of abortion laws by country 
  12. Campaign Life Coalition - Political wing of the pro-life movement in Canada -
  13. Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM)
  14. Educates public on family and human rights issues related to United Nations activities
  15. Heartbeat International -First network of pro-life pregnancy resource centers in the U.S. and the largest in the world
  16. Human Life International -Pro-life missionaries to the world
  17. Life International -Evangelical Christian organization offering healthy life-giving ministries in countries where abortion is provided
  18. LifeSite -International news service dedicated to issues of culture, life and family
  19. Charlotte Lozier Institute
  20. National Catholic Bioethics Center


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